Milestones: 5 – 8 Months

Here are some milestones for babies 5-8 months old


  • Babble their way through “conversations” with parents, siblings, and caregivers
  • Start experimenting with vowel sounds (“oh!” “ah!” etc.), as well as consonants like “B” and. “M”
  • Understand what you mean by “no.”


  • Be attracted to bright colors and patterns.
  • Closely study peoples’ faces, as well as their own fingers and toes.
  • Look at their reflections in a mirror.
  • Try to find a toy hidden under a blanket or other object.
  • Have a firm grasp of cause and effect (i.e., pressing this button causes this sound)


  • Develop memories of recent events
  • Imitate your facial expressions and even your speech patterns


  • Display curiosity about things that are out of reach — and try to reach them
  • Become better at tracking moving objects
  • Follow a rolled ball across the floor.
  • Crawls backward, if not also forward. May get around by scooting across the floor on buttocks and/or pulling forward with their arms while pushing back with their legs from sitting position.
  • May pull to a standing position while holding on.
  • May come to sitting position unaided.
  • Sits unsupported for at least 10 minutes.
  • Develops pincer grasp.
  • May handle two objects simultaneously.
  • Holds own bottle.
  • Clasps hands together.
  • While lying on the back, he/she can put their foot into their mouth.

Age-Appropriate Activities to Encourage Development

  • Water Play
  • Blowing Bubbles
  • Finger Painting
  • Roll ball back and forth
  • Pretend phone conversations
  • Singing social songs with motions, clapping
  • Floor Play with toys
  • Stacking blocks on top of one another
  • Peek a Boo
  • Reading Simple books
  • Family Pictures – Sharing pictures of familiar people, labeling names
  • Puppets
  • Introduce Simple Sign Language (8month)
  • Tracking and Reaching Toys

Each child is different and will develop at their own pace. These milestones are a guide to when children meet these milestones on average. If you are concerned that your child is not meeting these milestones in a timely fashion, contact your pediatrician to talk about your child and their individualized needs.