
Healthy is an online resource for parents created by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This resource is backed by over 66,000 pediatricians who prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of children all over the world.

Safe Infant Sleep

Facebook Parent Support Group

We seek to help parents, caregivers and the community to learn and understand evidence-based safe sleep guidelines for their infants. We draw on expert advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics and other evidence-based resources to assist those who wish to follow the safest sleep guidelines available.

Baby Begin

Baby Begin is a team of physical and occupational therapists who work with families to prevent a baby from getting flat head syndrome, or plagiocephaly. They provide education about Tummy Time and were kind enough to let us use their infographic and video on our Tummy Time page. Visit Baby Begin to learn more about how to prevent and correct plagiocephaly.

Count the Kicks

Pregnant women have the power to save their babies by getting to know their baby’s movement patterns in the third trimester and by feeling empowered to tell their doctor if they notice a change. Based on scientific research and medical guidance the Count the Kicks public health campaign teaches expectant moms to track their baby’s movements once a day in the third trimester by using the innovative and free Count the Kicks app to time how long it takes their baby to get to 10 movements.

Download the Count the Kicks app today! The app is available through Google Play and iTunes online app stores.

Safe Kids Worldwide

Safe Kids Worldwide is a nonprofit organization that works to help families and communities to keep children safe from preventable injuries. Safe Kids works with a network of more than 400 coalitions nationwide to help families all over the world to reduce the risk of deaths due to preventable injuries.


NewMouth is an informational web guide for those seeking dentistry, orthodontics, pediatric, and specialty dental care treatments and procedures.
Pediatric Dental Exams