Safe Sleep Video Library

Safe Sleep Recommendations

12 Steps for Safe Sleep

Just Baby: A Safe Sleep Lullaby

Solo Bebé: Arrullo de Dormir Seguramente

What is Safe Sleep?

What is Safe Sleep? – Spanish

Why Safe Sleep?

Why Safe Sleep? – Spanish

Co-Sleeping Is Dangerous

Co-Sleeping Is Dangerous – Spanish

Room Share. Don’t Bed Share.

Room Share. Don’t Bed Share. – Spanish

Babies Sleep at Night, Not All Night.

Babies Sleep at Night, Not All Night. – Spanish

Stay Awake

Stay Awake – Spanish

Set an Alarm for Safe Sleep

Set an Alarm for Safe Sleep – Spanish

Stay Connected

Stay Connected – Spanish

How to Support a New Parent

How to Support a New Parent – Spanish

Infant Falls by Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority

Safe Sleep For Your Baby

Back Position and Aspiration

Unsafe Sleep and the Risk of Rebreathing

Safe Sleep PSA

Designing Spaces: Ensuring Safe Sleep for Your Baby