Fathers are real-life superheroes to their children. In society, fathers are viewed as the protector of the family. As the protector, the safety and security of your child is essential.
Keeping your child safe is the number one priority.
– When you’re teaching your child to ride a bike, you make sure they wear a bike helmet.
– When driving in a car, you put them in their car seat.
So why should sleep safety be any different?
Fathers are equally responsible and as important as mothers in providing a safe sleeping environment. And with more and more dads staying home and becoming increasingly involved in the day-to-day care of their children, it is vital for both caregivers to know how to give their baby the safest sleeping environment possible. Here’s how:
A, Alone – No bed-sharing. Infants should never be placed to sleep in bed with a parent, sibling, or other caregiver. Nothing should ever be in the crib with an infant.
B, Back – An infant should never be placed to sleep on their side or stomach. Placing a baby to sleep on their stomach doubles the risk of death!
C, Crib – An infant should always sleep in a safety-approved crib, bassinet, portable crib; free of any soft objects (pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and/or bumper pads). The crib mattress or portable crib mat should be firm only a tight-fitting sheet.
Featured Videos
Dads on Duty
Credit: Denver Public Health
Brother’s United – Safe Sleep
Credit: Arkansas Public Health